April 30, 2020

April 30, 2020


I wonder what lurks in the cranium of that pea brain, and where does he get these ideas that appear to come from the Trump University alumni.  Whomever the horse whisperers are they obviously have his ear.   

Over the years, quack medical cures abound with those desperate to find a cure or remedies that do not exist for things such as AIDS/HIV, cancer, and more recently autism. The cures involve ingestion of chlorine dioxide, which is an industrial form of bleach.  The FDA had warned these “cures” can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, and even death.  We all know Mr. Ed does not read and ignores facts that do not conform to his pre-conceived notions, or if they are counter to Mr. Ed’s self-serving motivations. 

There are those that also call for a cleanse, using Miracle Mineral Solution or MMS.  This product when analyzed was a powerful bleach product. This cure is touted by Mark Grenon the Archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing.  He calls the solution “sacrament”.  He has stated that his MMS is the answer for cancer, multiple sclerosis, malaria, AIDS/HIV, Alzheimer’s, autism, and now it’s on to the virtues of COVID-19.  The Guardian reported Grenon claimed to have sent a letter to Trump stating MMS is “a wonderful detox that can kill 99% of pathogens in the body” and also stated on a radio show, it could rid the body of COVID-19.  On the radio show he read the letter that began, “Dear Mr. President. I am praying you read this letter and intervene” The White House did not respond when asked if Mr. Ed  had read the letter.  Did he? After all he does not read? Did he hear it on Quack talk radio or Fox Noise?  He could have, in his pea brain, conflated disinfectants killing viruses on surfaces with killing on surfaces in organs? Huh? Or is he trying to recall the inner osmosis of his uncle’s knowledge.  Mr. Ed is trying to make the population white on both inside and out?

On a lighter topic, let’s take Sweden. Who, when warned repeatedly of the dangers of re-infection, they opted for COVID-19 heard immunity up front and decided, as having a youthful population, they could withstand the consequences.  The medical profession says that 70% of the population must either have antibodies and or a vaccine for this approach to work.  The population would need 7 million citizens to have the antibodies.  Sweden has experienced 3 times the death rate of Europe.  If the death rate is 2% (which is a low number) it would kill 140,000.  This has led Sweden to abandon the efforts and began social distancing and other measures.  Germany started to relax prevention measures 9 days ago and has seen a spike in numbers of cases for the first time in weeks.  Is this a lesion that again will fall on deaf ears of the administration. 

The current distraction is the drum beat to blame China for POTUS inaction.  The January-February time frame was critical to have focused response to the up-coming crisis.  What did Nero do? He ignored his own administration and ignored experts.  Was this due to his laser focus on the trade deal, to boost his ratings and help the market? So he hailed the trade deal on January 24 and had praised China for transparency.  He went to Davos to meet with world leaders, and went golfing.  Were these distractions?  Is China the new enemy.  After all every authoritarian requires a foil.  Nero’s lack of focus and not heading CC warnings, led to a vacuum of information to hospitals, lack of preparedness, and death tolls that could have been avoided.

The United States is behind 44 nations in per capita testing, yet the Mr. Ed’s disinformation clown show keeps saying we have tested more people than all other countries. 

It was reported in financial news today, that the economic growth figures fell 4.8% or an annual rate of almost 20%.  This has been the deepest contraction since 2008 the last year of Bush.  This 1st quarter fall is the fastest slowdown greater than the great depression.  Larry Kudlow, top executive assistant and another horse whisperer, stated this was old news.  He was downplaying this quarter results to prepare everyone for the next quarter when there are 3 whole months of shutdowns. Unemployment is now 30 million, with an added 3.8 million last week.

Chris Coons (D) senator from Delaware put forth an ides to re-imagine the current National Service Act.  This will be clearly necessary to re-train and provide training for the millions of potential unemployed due to the consequences of the virus.  I have always touted this as a method of both training for skills, like construction and providing infrastructure, even such things as nurse and Dr. assistants, teacher assistants and other jobs that can be accomplished while attending classes. Considering the potential size of this recovery, we should invest like in depression, with WPA projects.  Some of these projects are still being used today. This could also be a method of paying off student debt for a period of service.  I predict a contraction of 10% in the market until everyone can return to normal.  This is about 2-3 years off before the job market will return and even then, the excess service workers will be unemployed for even longer.

The horse keeps swimming up the river denial. The DeNile comes today when he adamantly denied saying that there would be 5 millions tests a day by the end of June.  I hope someone will rescue this steed before he drowns in his own feces.  His short-term memory loss is a sign of Alzheimer’s and perhaps he should take the MMS cure.

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