May 3, 2020

May 3, 2020


Experience shows that all politicians exaggerate, as expected.  I think there is a fine line when it comes to truth regarding fear.  No politician wants to alienate his devout base; however one can destroy adoration.  When asked about a vaccine and its progress Trump said there would be 300 million vaccines available by January.  He said this was confidence and not overreaching.

  There has been no vaccine for AIDS/HIV and It’s been 30 years?  It took a national effort and 4 years for Polio vaccine.  The normal time for any drug is 18-24 months, however since it is similar to SARS and research has already proven to be somewhat transferable, a drug could pass all hurdles by the end of the year.  After that, it needs to go into large-scale trials before mass production.  Most virologists say his goal is fantasy.  Even by combining steps experts say this may be an impossible task.  Laser light show!


Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko, a frequent contributor to the Fox Noise Channel, was in touch with Jerome Corsi conspiracy theorist, of Russian investigation, and Roger Stone fame. The name Rudolph Giuliani comes up, as he also had many contacts with this doctor. Corsi inadvertently sent a YouTube video to another Z name by mistake. The video stated that Zelenko had conducted “an FDA approved randomized test of HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) and it was underway”.  Both Corsi and Zelenko had said at a physician’s training event, that it was FDA approved.  This study was nowhere to be found, as a trial in the FDA web site, where all FDA approved trials appear.  Zelenko frequently consults with some of Trump’s closest allies.  He has spoken to both Mark Meadows and with Giuliani frequently and with Giuliani more than once a day, as he had stated.  The death rate for this drug is 50% higher in a VA observation of 360 patients.  This was only an observation, however, this observation trumps Trump’s conspiracy theorist Dr’s claim.  We can only hope.



The Republican Party has come from a mantra saying, you should not bailout companies like GM and Ford and businesses should not be so big, as they are to big to fail.  Today you see the Republican Party embrace a system that everyone should expect just enough from government, so that businesses can survive.  The Washington Post had an article, which has an expose’ about a former Trump alumni being involved in lobbying activities to securing favors and it leads one to the assumption of favoritism and bailouts being targeted to his friends.  Trump’s greatest fear is the tanking of the stock market with the DOW going closer to 10,000 from a high of almost 30,000.  His administration’s remedy was the bailout of National and International companies traded on domestic exchanges, and allowed them to make stock buybacks, which in the Obama era, this type bailout was an insult to capitalism.  So what did the Republicans decided to do this time? They disallowed compensation to executives.  What happened to Republicans prior admonition for this type bailout calling money fungible?

The Fed’s $4 trillion bailout monies, that are being used as loans and potential grants from the monies allowed to be borrowed from themselves, are going to financial institutions at 0 % interest.  This creates a free money vs a free market economy.  These institutions include sycophant hedge funds managers, that have grabbed the money and plied themselves with high-risk mortgage paper and risky junk bond issues at the highest interest rates.  These are the same bloodsuckers that made billions on the last mortgage bailout. 

All that the last bailout in 2008 would have cost is $ 1 ½ trillion, if the money was put in at the bottom to pay off all sub-prime mortgages.  The way it was handled, the banks foreclosed and were stuck being a realtor, losing billions and making it up in fees and bailouts.  Yet they spent much more on bailouts to lenders than would have been necessary. Putting the money at the bottom would have bailed out millions of people and avoided foreclosures.

The bloodsuckers know they have the potential for making billions again by buying up risky investments, knowing they will fail with the economic outlook. Risky mortgages and sub-prime bond projects that may be in trouble with a downturn, are sucked up so they can see a paper loss and get another handout.  If they go broke nothing ventured, nothing gained. These investors know they can work the tax system, to have all the loss be given back in tax breaks, even with paying no interest on their investment. If the economists are all wrong and the economy turns around, they make out with high interest rate payments charged for the risky investments. It’s another win-win for Trumps cronies.  Are you tired of all this winning yet?

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