May 5, 2020

May 5, 2020


It is disgusting that a person of great stature would stoop to lying in front of the statue of Abraham Lincoln in a Fox opinion channel interview at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday.  Self-congratulatory remarks abound he remarked “Aids vaccine started in my administration” overlooking Bush and Obama’s efforts.  Obama alone spent 5.5 Billion dollars a year on Aids research and cures.  Obama allowed pre-existing conditions to be insured, and passed the Affordable Care Act.  What has Trump done to make sure individuals have health care? He has made many attempts to strip funding by not requiring insurance* and has attempted to remove pre-existing conditions by arguing in the Supreme Court to have the requirement removed from the ACA.

He mis-quoted Fauci.  Trump misquoted Fauci, by insisting that he said in January, “it’s not going to be a big deal”.  What Fauci actually said was at this time there was no need for worry, risk is low, “Risk is low, but could change and could be a major outbreak”. 

Trump, during this Fox interview, when he was asked about the states opening even though none have met the criteria his office established and he said, “almost everyone is going in the right direction”.  This is at a time, when all of mid-America has a rise in cases and only 11 states are down and none of the states have had 14 days of downward cases (14 days was a criteria recommended by his administration). 

He just can’t help himself, he made a snide comment about Bush for airing a message of unity in this time of tragedy.  I guess Trump took it as a slam on his attempts to divide the country.  Would he rather see the economy running and the death toll rising or, perhaps, a second wave of cases is what he is shooting for?  Fauci stated in a news brief, “you can’t skip over steps and expect not to have a rise in cases.”


One of Trump’s unqualified appointee and friend Robert Kader pushed the hydroxychloroquine mediation for Covid-19.  Trump and his horse whisperer Rudolph Giuliani pushed this medication for months.  It was such a cure all (without study) Mr. Kader ordered 2.8 billion dollars’ worth of the drug.  This was a directed procurement to Emerson Bio-Solutions paying 2X the previous market price, without any knowledge of the usefulness of and potential documented dangers. 

I had recently commented about someone that attempted to block hydroxychloroquine being shipped in large quantities to New York and New Jersey being removed from his position.  This individual was Dr. Bright the former (Fired) head of the HHS vaccine research and development and working on a Covid-19 vaccine.  It seems he filed a whistle blower complaint, which claims he was silenced when making alarms early on about PPE.  Kushner’s shadow task force hampered decisions with inexperience volunteers.  He made the case for the pressure and direction to make it based strictly on political decisions and direct procurements, without having science or medical input taken seriously, and here we are.


 In other news, Pence has been contemplating disbanding the Virus Response Team whose meetings subsided along with the daily Trump shows.  The initial telecon meeting was held with many CEO’s and executives, that commented after the telecon they had no idea they were on the task force, had no prior knowledge and had not been contacted about it. Was Pence or Kushner in charge?

The United States is increasingly becoming a 2-caste State.  Workers that can work or work at home full time and those who are increasingly dependent on the State.

Today Trump is going to Arizona for a laser light tour to a PPE and N95 mask producer (the same company operates a mask plant in the north east).  Let the production of the gaslight and self-congratulant, deflection and blame tour begin!  All in the name of politics in a Pandemic where everyone is looking for a leader and a clown shows up.

I certainly hope everyone else can see his ineptitude, arrogance, ignorance, and unwillingness to have anyone else but him to be correct.  His being in a bubble, his antics, and his hubris are trying on anyone that has a free will.  The bubble insulates facts from his own reality.  He has the propensity to divide using slurs, painting his opponent with false acquisitions, innuendos, and his attempts to show his opponent as somehow disqualified.  Almost every attribute he attempts to assign his opponent is projection.  And when pointing it out his minions claim what-aboutism. 

Ta-Ta for now!

*Insurance rate payers and taxpayers pay for the uninsured.  All hospitals are required to treat

  anyone coming to the emergency room even they are uninsured. 

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