June 21, 2020

June 21, 2020


Where do you start with the freak show, open carry with far right boogaloo’s armed to the teeth, and white supremacists wanting to egg on the peaceful Black Lives Matter and other anti-Trump demonstrators.  The crowds were very sparse with 98% of the anticipated million individuals that the Trump promoters and campaign chairman had said had responded to the request. That’s an awful lot of no-shows.  Excuses abound for the lack of an enthusiastic adoring crowd.  The millions turned out to be trolls clicking “I agree” and send 990,000 times.  Sorry Donald you don’t appear to be that popular.

Estimating crowd size is an enigma to Trump.  I’m sure his perceived overflow crowd was his largest of his campaign.  The 20,000 person crowd had few seats filled in the upper sections which would hold more than any other of the sections was almost empty that would take away at least ¼ of the 20,000. There were individuals on the floor so add back 1,000 and you get 16,000 adoring sycophants and dotards in training. Someone at the event said it was only 2/3rds full or about 13,500.   The overflow area had only a handful.  All the crowd hanging on each of the syllables of his lies, propaganda, and excuses, race baiting stoking anger and fear of the other. 

Trump must have been counting on his tribe of the ill-informed to listen to the Fox conspiracy theory and opinion channel. He knows his followers wouldn’t listen to medical science truth however, they would listen to the showman and snake oil salesman. 

His excuses for the crowd size included the Media.  His comments were that the media was fear mongering, by having medical professionals explain the Trump Administration’s CDC guidelines and it’s admonitions against large crowded events.

Trump also blamed the demonstrators and the open carry intimidation, and the Black Lives Matter and other protestors.  The police, the National Guard and Secret Service all had the crowd under control and no entrances were blocked for any significant amount of time.  The far right wing Boogaloo’s were the only ones intimidating the Trump base entering the arena.

One theme was an attempt to paint Joe Biden as having far-left extreme views and will destroy everything, the typical fear mongering.  Trump is trying to define the candidate painting him to be the worst  possible choice.  Criticizing him on race relations “I’ve done more for race relations than Biden has done in 47 years of service.”  Nothing in this speech was an attempt to heal or reach out to any other group.  He spoke of the radical Left stoking culture wars by taking down statues like George Washington’s. He also said the radical left is going to change your country and be very afraid.  He said we demolish our heritage by taking down statues.  Who’s heritage?  White slaveowners?  Is he only talking about white heritage? When it comes to the civil war, who do we want to venerate losers?

When looking at policing Trump is looking back to Richard Nixon and the police policies of the 60’s and 70’s, with baton wielding officers beating peaceful protesters exercising their 1st amendment rights.

He disgracefully joked about the pandemic, when asked about what he meant when he said he was slowing down testing.   His spokesperson said he was only joking.  So is Trump going to say otherwise?  If it is a joke, it’s a very sick joke.  The message most often regurgitated was all about himself, with lies and gaslighting as the main theme.

  He managed to provide racist epithets calling, Covid-19 the Kung-flu chiding China for the virus.  He acts more like an entertainer than a leader. Are you not amused? He has admonished flag burners and said they should get 1 year in prison.  He has used canard before and has been told on more than one occasion the Supreme Court settled the flag burning as an expression of the first amendment and is covered as free speech.

When talking about schools he commented that children have fantastic immune systems “open the schools please, open the schools, Got to get them open.”  I wonder if he knows the children are carriers to the parents and grandparents, or does he care?

Trump spent about 15-20 minutes telling his crowd he could walk and drink a bottle of water.  He spent this time out of his 2-hour rally talking about using 2 hands when drinking water and his ramp sprint at West Point commencement.  The same ramp that both Obama and Biden ran up in previous commencements ceremonies. 

There seemed to be no theme for his campaign, no message, and it was all about his base.  His polling numbers must show that if he can stoke his base into showing up he can win like last election.  Unfortunately,  with an uninformed electorate, we may get what we deserve.

Speaking of testing, 6 of Trump’s advanced staff in Tulsa tested positive for the Virus.  Trump complained about having tested 25 million people.  His complaint was the more you test the more people test positive for the virus and he actually joked about slowing down the testing! 

He has the absolute worst messaging for a major health crisis.  He continuously downplays the severity and thus having the effect of prolonging the pandemic.  The CDC said he put his supporters at risk by having the event.  There was plenty of room, however. His handlers had to heard the attendees to group together for the camera backdrop.

 Trump’s team wanted good optics for the kickoff for the campaign.  The event was an absolute flop, dusting off the same old stale lines without the enthusiastic adoring crowds. It was dull and boring. The result was an embarrassment for the President.  Brad Pascal the president’s campaign chief is going to get more than an ear full as a result of this debacle.

With all the outright lies and half-truths the president is suffering from beggared credulity, or my unprofessional diagnosis is still of tertiary stage syphilis going undetected by all his quack doctors and has effected parts of his huge brain.

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