April 4, 2020

April 4, 2020


Today’s two stories are adapted from real events.  These stories show the true nature of the king of the stable, one would say the stable genius.  One day the flock of sheep ostracized the only black sheep for killing an innocent piglet in cold blood.  There was video evidence of the horrific events.  The flock held a court-martial and found him guilty and a disgrace to the elite flock. He was sentenced, perhaps to be confined to a pen for his horrific actions, stripped of his wool and dishonorably sent from the flock.  This was his fate, until one of the ewes pleaded to the only media the king watches (cat news) Once the king saw this on TV, he was convinced and without looking into the evidence or having knowledge of what really happened, he decided to give the sheep a full pardon.   This action reversed the conclusion of the court-martial, when they determined that he disgraced the flock.  The leadership of the flock was disheartened by the crass move by the stable king.  The flock leadership all saluted in silence and withered off in disgust, knowing that’s all they could do. After all, he was the king and the stable genius.  This is a story of a disgusting and horrific events perpetrated on a civilian, by a disgraced Navy Seal and pardoned by the stable genius Trump.

The next story this is a true and is both a story of a true hero Captain Crozier and one of disgust at the actions taken by the Navy.  This story is about the pride of the U.S Navy fleet the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt.  This floating city with 5000 Sailors and Marines are all confined to cramped quarters.

The Captain noted an increase in sailors’ sickness and on Monday March 30th  he notified his superior via a letter, that pleaded to the Navy for a redirection and their permission to offload the sick crew.  The carrier was docked in Guam and was a petri dish with exploding numbers of Covid-19 cases on board.  There was no word from the Pentagon and the dire need to offload crew members to prevent the eminent additional sailors’ illness and potential needless death, loomed.  The Captain wrote, “We are not at war” meaning physical contact, “Sailors do not need to die.  If we do not act now, we are failing to take care of most trusted asset– our sailors.”  This letter was leaked to the media and the Navy finally allowed the sailors to disembark, but only after public pressure forced the issue. The leak may have been due to how he chose to disclose the letter, he distributed it to a few others within the Navy. 

 By Thursday, the Navy removed the ships hero Cpt. Crozier by letter, stating that his letter was a gross error that could have incited panic among the crew.  It’s not as if the crew did not have awareness of the dire situation.   Social distancing aboard ship is impossible.  Bunks are stacked 2 and 3 deep, crews utilize the same beds on a shift basis.  Talk about a hot bed for the virus!  Upon his departure, the entire crew showed their gratitude with a grand salute in his honor upon disembarking the carrier. The true hero is the captain and even the great grandson of Theodore Roosevelt agreed with this conclusion.  Was his dismissal due to the embarrassment levied on the administration?

Both stories involve the military and show a disconnect with social norms. They involve arrogance and lack of leadership.  Leadership in the military is driven by respect.  The reward by the Stable Genius to the perpetrator of criminal behavior, in the first story and the punishment of the hero in the second story are disgusting examples to the feces this Administration has wrought in their attitude toward punishment for the innocent hero, and reward the criminal.  In a news conference on April 4th Trump, the stable genius, stated he knew nothing about the Crozier removal and then proceeded to rant and went on and on about how bad he was for the Navy and his crew.  The chickens that do not call out this behavior will be stuck with the skid marks from his excrement.

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