April 8, 2020
Again I find myself with thoughts that overwhelm my urge to continue with my autobiography. Todays rant concerns the ability of our leader to read or comprehend anything other than a script that he sometimes uses and other times he wings it.
First let’s take the ability to read. Peter Navarro, a trusted and close advisor to the President had written 2 memos on the pandemic, the first, about the same time as the 1st case was in the U.S. It said we were lacking in preparedness and urged the acquisition of necessary PPE and respirators in case of a pandemic.
In the meantime another advisor had asked how to get the president to listen to his warnings about the pandemic. Navarro’s second memo was much more dire, in that it warned of a potential of 500,000 deaths. At this time there were 15 cases and Trump stated they would soon go to -0- yea! Huh? So much for his reading and language comprehension.
My next subject involves the World Health Organization (WHO) and its warnings and push back. Who had warned of a potential pandemic in mid-December. The organization has no ability to compel any state to take action and can only provide advice and warnings. WHO was the first to recommend a complete travel ban due to the nature of the pandemic.
In his daily blame deflection briefing, the stable genius Trump lied about the ban and the warnings. The clown show stated he immediately closed off air travel from China and after the recommendation from WHO he closed all air traffic from Europe. The travel ban was so porous that 430,000 entered the U.S. from all over, including states with severe spread from the virus, like Italy. Also 40,000 came directly from China after the ban. He also lied at the same self-congratulation event about WHO and test kits and their offer of the genetic sequencing. He also wants to defund the WHO I’m guessing because WHO gave a warning and he did not comprehend the severity of the situation?
In order to make it a manage-a-trois let’s talk about leadership. Trump’s statement “he is only a cheerleader” rings so true (he actually said this about the Coronavirus). In thinking that, let’s examine why dear leader does not want be either in the game or as the true leader on the field as quarterback, or off the field the coach. Any answers?
My speculation is he does not want to be on the field due to his bone spurs or the fact that he is a chicken or some other barnyard animal. He has stated, he is a very stable genius. He does not want to be the leader off the field as coach because he would then take on responsibility for the potential loss. So that leaves the job of rooting on from the sidelines spouting cheers that make little sense. We long for a true leader, a quarterback that can call plays or a coach that can design plays and have the team execute them. At least the coach and the quarterback know the difference between the truth and a lie when they win or lose.
My evolution of what to call the phenomenon by naming of the economic and political system we have devolved in and its evolution goes something like this:
1st my thought was to install the word Social Capitalism, but that does not capture the true nature of the de-evolution of capitalism.
2nd iteration of my attempt to describe the economic and political effluence this administration is producing. I attempted to call it Socialistic Capitalism.
3rd my thoughts were to put added emphasis on the political nature of this mishegas. I inserted the word political even though capitalism is inherently political. The emphasis is to add the word to modify the socialistic nature of this inherent mess that will ultimately destroy democracy. My current iteration to describe the mess is Political Socialistic Capitalism. Doesn’t this have a certain ring like that of a cow’s bell, in the stable where he gets his genius. I won’t go to the ultimate description Trumpism due to its lack of descriptive bullshit. This is due to the potential to have Trumpism turn into Autocratic Capitalists with oligarchs as in his leaders country.
And on a lighter note the devolution of cabin fever should go something like this:
Cabin fever has devolved to agoraphobia for those over 60, and in turn they turn into Amazonians.