April 22, 2020
The Administration is contemplating giving tax benefits in the form of grants and loans for Oil companies and individuals that invested in futures. Close at $1.37/ barrel. Futures contracts are a wager on the future price of oil. Investors invested at $50/barrel pay back at $1.37/barrel or the opposite depending on if it’s a put or a call type futures contract. The lunacy of a bailout for a gamble (futures contracts) is asinine. Oil companies own billions of dollars of assets and they can borrow on their assets, so who should be rewarded? Previous precipitous crashes in oil prices, precedes downturns in the economy. This is insane. Oil producers are out of storage and must offload the tankers with no place to store. The larger the drop the larger the economic damage. Hold on, its going to get much worse. Depression comes to mind.
The 14 day requirement stated in the governments’ own guidelines have not been achieved by any state to this date. Trump is asking the governors to “LIBERATE MICHIGAN, VIRGINIA, AND MARYLAND!”. This is counter to the states having a plan and is undercutting the states, causing division and clearly creating an un-heathy situation with the advent of ill-informed of protestors. Immigration is a red herring, since he has already in effect closed the borders to travelers. Follow the laser’s red dot. Testing on a universal scale is required and Trump knows he dropped the ball early and has made excuses and shifts blame and responsibility and deflects so that everyone is distracted by his antics.
It is impossible to inform those that are not willing to listen to the experts. The Coronavirus (Novel Corona-19) is a new (NOVEL) previously unknown mutation of two virulent strains of a virus that was prevalent in Pangolins and in Bats. This is a virus that no individual has antibodies and spread by oral breathing and coughing and can live without a host on surfaces for as long as 16 days (found on ships after 16 days free of Covid passengers). It is deadly approx. 2% of those that contract the virus die. The normal rate/yearly for the flu is 20-30 times less. It is not like the flu, and no one has antibodies. Each flu season 40,000 to 60,000 people die. Eventually without a vaccine or some type of mitigation everyone will get the virus and that is why it is called a pandemic.
Rush Limbaugh and Kelly Anne Conway both stated and was repeated numerous times on fox news, that the virus was something we have conquered at least 18 times before so we should not fret about the virus. That is the type of disinformation and total nut-case B.S. Fox uses to stir division. The listeners hear this and think it won’t be so bad. The Bullshit comes in at the mention of 18 prior Covid viruses. The 19 refers to the year 2019 when it was first discovered not the 18th corona virus. The fact that it is Novel (or new) means there are no antibodies that exist in humans. The common cold and the flu have numerous Corona type viruses that are its cause and most aren’t numbered as they are not new and if they are numbered they take on the year of discovery and not the number of viruses.(DUH)
Trump stated, “what do you have to loose” in reference to the use of hydroxychloroquine. In an observation by the Veterans Administration of 360 Covid patients, found that of the deaths, 11% died without using the drug and 28% of those that took the drug died. That shows that Trump was right what do you have to loose – only your life. This was not an actual study but only an observation. The drug hydroxychloroquine and its derivatives have some ill effects on patients with heart problems and the derivative causes death in individuals with sickle cell anemia (a disease only prevalent in the black community). Will Trump quit touting the drug for mediation? After all, it’s killing the Blacks. Could this be another reason black are dying at a higher rate than any other group? Is Trump trying to kill off the black population? Is there a brighter day ahead, without this racist, self-centered dolt? Perhaps in less than 200 days.