April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020


Yesterday Mr. ED (the Donald) (my previous rendering of the famous Mr. Ed and the likeness to that stable genius is why I will refer to him as Mr. Ed.) touted a listing of potential mediation and cures for the virus.  These remedies came directly from the Trump University medical school.  That is sarcasm.

 What Trump did last evening, in his daily dose of useless dangerous information, deflection, projection, blame and a re-writing of history, was to deflect from his administrations inadequate response and delays, in providing leadership for the testing activities everyone knows is required to open in any sensible manner, despite Mr. Ed’s wishes. 

The useless and dangerous information came with his response to a medical expert saying that heat, UV light, and disinfectant kills the virus on surfaces.  Mr. Ed’s knowledge of the medicine (which was transferred to him by osmosis from an Uncle that was a professor at MIT decades ago) or from his defunct Trump University medical department, kicks into action and the posterior of Mr. Ed speaks.  Speaking directly to the medical professionals, he asked them to look into injecting disinfectant to kill the virus as well as somehow using UV light within the body and somehow the use of heat.  He said ”do something like that, by injecting into the body” in reference to disinfectant.

This insanity led professionals today to call the action dangerous, bazaar, insane, and toxic, and potentially fatal.  When Mr. Ed talks people listen and hear what they want.  The Lysol manufacturer was so disturbed at this reckless stupidity, it had to issue a statement in response to the twitter raves about the president’s cure.  They said, “under no circumstances should anyone ingest Lysol into the human body”.

In the recent rant, I mentioned the death rate among 360 VA patients was 2 times higher with patients who had taken hydroxychloroquine.  He has resisted the urge to continue to push the drug, even though he has had his FDA approve the distribution from the federal stockpile and flooded the drug into NY and NJ.  The distribution was made available to any Medical Dr. that wanted to prescribe it, the same time his CDC ignored their own federal guidelines requiring the stockpile be distributed only to hospitals.

People look for advice, not speculation from POTUS.  The record response is clear to see. The immediate action by California, shows a stark contrast to NY in numbers of deaths.  This is as a result of California and Washington closing non-essential businesses and social distancing, prior to everyone else. 

The lack of preparedness our response, and with the world looking on and seeing our lack of PPE and Ventilators at the beginning of the pandemic has the world turning elsewhere for leadership in this time of international crisis.  This makes our health system to be one of the least responsive and least prepared.  This is obvious when you compare the immediate responses by Korea and Japan to the virus.  Korea took the WHO offer of test kits and replicated them, so that on a per capita basis they were at least a 4 weeks ahead of the United States in testing on a per capita basis.  How many people have died in a month?

He keeps attempting to blame others for his administration’s failure with testing.  Mr. Ed, in his wisdom, talks about Obama being blamed.  He stated that Obama was not prepared due to not having tests available for his administration.  Think about how insane that is.  The virus was previously unknown, you would think after 3 ½ years he would take on some responsibility.  Why now?  This is simultaneously both projection and deflection a two-fer.

Mr. Ed noted that on Feb. 27th the first corona virus patent in the U.S. died (the actual first death was recorded Feb.6th) and he stated it would go away and everyone should not be concerned.  It was only after recent testing that we know someone died on February 6th  and not the 27th.  It was determined that the virus contracted, by the individual that died on Feb 6th, was by community transmission.  This pushes Mr. Ed’s timeline off by almost a month.

By mid Feb, there were 14-15 reported cases. The horse genius president announced that once those infected, recovered, the count would go to 0. His constant re-write of history ignores the facts.  His cronie Hannity on Fox opinion station (repeated by Mr. Ed) on March 9Th  stated, the virus was a hoax and a democratic conspiracy theory.  He called all concerns fake news and stated it would magically go away in April (note: more died in April than March).

By March 18th, both Hannity and Mr. Ed all of a sudden had an epiphany and ignored what was said before and pretend he was intensely concentrating on the virus all this time.  We all know of the CDC failures in testing and rejection of test kits, that were made available by the WHO.

Today he was adamant that his suggestions of using disinfectant and light as a remedy, was only sarcasm.  This betrays the fact that when he made his comments he had turned toward the medical professionals.  He called the news, that he made a suggestion that one should ingest or inject disinfectant, fake news. (huh?) His denials wreak of idiotic ramblings of an insecure, child trying to make excuses for his stupidity.  It’s only because he has used the laser light to take the focus of the inadequate testing.  Testing at the levels his own guidance has not been met in any state yet he still wants the governors to open so he can latter say he did not encourage the activities.

Mr. Ed is in the world’s longest river and his normal tools of deceit, distraction, bullying, mob tactics, lying, projection along with bazaar, dangerous and potentially lethal rhetoric, leaves him basking in de Nile.  The virus does not respond to his lunacy.  He has none of his normal tools he can use to make this pandemic go away. His irrational rants, deception, refusal of utter facts, speculation and projection abound, in his daily political rally’s.  Mr. Ed is embracing and insisting on the idea of having a year of magical thinking.

His projection of only 50-60 thousand deaths are unrealistic without a vaccine.  Just look at the chart of deaths over time.  Anyone that knows anything about statistics knows that the bell shaped curve has 2 sides.  If we are at the peak of death now (apex), the logical number would suggest 100-120 thousand deaths are more likely, by adding the other side of the curve. (DUH!)

Today’s lesson concentrates on the important, not the stupid laser pointer.  Look at facts not speculation and most of all look at what he does (or in the case of testing what he is not doing).

Testing, testing, testing is the only way back to sanity. 

Laser focused or laser pointer which is it?


 The lunacy of yesterday briefing was a cover up for the following news?

The lead of the task force for the coronavirus pandemic was named.  Brian Harrison was the individual.  From 2017 to 2018, Brian was a Texas Labradoodle breeder without any experience in public medicine or any background in viruses. Look elsewhere, don’t look here. 

Dr. Bright, well-known virus developer was dismissed, after his reluctance to support the widespread distribution of hydroxychloroquine, and had stated the potential consequences.

Note that he was correct to hold back on the recommendation since an observation has shown the potential to be deadly.

On February 25th the CDC head of Respiratory infections, Dr. Nancy Meissonier, stated the corona (CV-19) virus would be severe and will cause significant disruption and lives will change.  This was done in a public briefing.  She had daily briefings on the virus and noted community spread would be life changing.  Her daily briefings were halted and Mr. Ed took over to bend the message and she was subsequently was fired.

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