August 11, 2020
Countdown 84 days
The prime example of Trump’s unrestrained fecklessness and beggared credulity is in regard to the pandemic. Trump consistently says the virus will just go away. He said “anyone that wants a test can get a test,” or “cases will soon go to zero“. Or how about his misreading of virus charts, saying we compare favorably to the rest of the world? We are only 4.5% of the population of the world. What about his promise to provide a national plan for the pandemic that promise was 2 weeks ago?
Take his promise “Mexico will pay for the wall”, how did that turn out? You got billions of dollars allocated and spent, only 216 miles of actual wall and Mexico has not contributed one cent. The current promise is 400 miles by the end of 2020.
What about his infrastructure bill? Trump has had numerous infrastructure weeks but nothing has happened. Nancy Pelosi has proposed bills and they languish with the Senate.
How about “no one is harder on Russia”? Ok… how about the bounties on our solders in Afghanistan? And what about the promise to pull troops out of the region? He has allowed Russian steel conglomerates to buy United States steel companies and has pulled troops from Germany, one of our allies, for fictions reasons. He stated Germany was not paying enough of their GDP to support NATO. So what does Trump do? He sent the troops to countries paying less than Germany for NATO support. Trump’s deference to Putin over his intelligence backed by 17 different organizations that make up the totality of the United States intelligence service. Why?
What happened to the prosecution of Hillary Clinton you promised? How many investigations and nothing of substance.
Trump promised the greatest health care, yet he is attempting to destroy it with a Supreme Court challenge and has no substitute plan even proposed during a public health crisis. What about North Korea’s nukes? North Korea is closer than ever to having a missile and warhead that can reach a majority of the United States. Thanks Mr. Trump.
How about the Iran nuclear deal you trashed promising another more comprehensive treaty. What happened to that? Because they were complying with the agreement other countries held them to and ended any alternate ways to deal with Iran, avoiding our sanctions and rendering them useless.
Trump scuttled the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and levied tariffs on China, to force a trade agreement. The TPP would have reigned in China by aligning Pacific Rim countries to compete with China on a number of goods. The tariff war that ensued showed that the Trump administration was ill equipped to win the trade war it started.
Trump’s only skill is lying. He uses lies to cover his errors, misdeeds and missteps. He lies to cover up and convince everyone how he wants you to see things. He uses misdirection to confuse and provide fog. Trump relies on the uninformed, low IQ, single issue voters and fear to carry his message of division, racism, and bigotry and hate.
In some instances, Trump and his administration may have been naïve. Take Larry Kudlow swearing we would recover quickly in a V shaped recovery. That was two months ago and the numbers of cases are just now beginning to decline, like the economy, if a second wave will look like a Bactrian camel. Mike Pence said there would not be a second wave and it appears a second wave is eminent, especially with the flu season on the horizon.
How about when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that he brought up the bounties on the US soldiers, but was afraid to tell Trump at that time. This country is now the United States of The Twilight Zone!