July 21, 2020

July 21, 2020


Trump is actively attempting to nullify the Americans for Federal Fair Housing Act (AFFH). In a Tweet on June 30th 2020 he said,  “At the request of many great Americans who live in the Suburbs and others, I am studying the AFFH housing regulation that is having a devastating impact on these once thriving Suburban areas. Corrupt Joe Biden wants to make them MUCH WORSE not fair to homeowners”.  This act was signed into law in 1968.

The Fair Housing Act of 1968 prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin or sex. Intended as a follow-up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, it was passed quickly in the days after the assassination of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. The Fair Housing Act stands as a great legislative achievement of the civil rights era.

This act made it possible for everyone to access housing on a fair basis. The restrictive covenants that were prevalent through the 60’s denied access even to affordable housing. I grew up in a house in Lakewood, Ca. It was a bedroom community of new houses built between 1945 and 1950. The city motto was “Tomorrow’s City Today” and houses came with restrictive covenants, with no sales to certain ethnic groups. 

This meant my family and everyone in the city was stunted in their understanding of other ethnic groups. This was my fate until I began to travel and live in foreign countries. I traveled cross-country at 5 both and 6 years old by car and plane. Traveled in the Southwest visiting reservations and Pueblos and beginning to understand their culture as a teenager.  Traveled through Europe 3 times for a month each time. I lived 4 years in Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Traveled to South Korea, Japan, and China. I have lived with diversity throughout my adult life.  My preference is to live in a diverse neighborhood.  Iran is a historical cross roads with a diverse society and is totally integrated. The strife in Iran can be linked more to poverty and restrictions on actions and activities or basic freedoms than to ethnic or racial divides.  

Donald Trump grew up in New York in a real estate family. In the 1960s, his father Fred was sued for violation of this very act Trump now wants to abolish. Trump’s motivation is greed and avarice and it’s unbecoming because its repeal would allow discrimination. This would again allow race or religion to be a basis for discrimination in housing and banking, another race to the bottom.


Trump and his dotard following not wearing masks has the potential of killing. So one could say the ISIS message is “I will kill you” and on wearing a mask medical professionals said without the mask and catching the virus “It will kill you”.

PBS aired a program on the Saudi Arabian efforts to support Al-Qaeda by funding their Afghanistan efforts. This makes our efforts in Afghanistan questionable when you consider the Russian efforts to kill coalition forces with bounties in the region. Why are we there? Will Trump punish or confront the Saudis’ for efforts to support our enemy? Or will he ignore the efforts, as he has with the Russian bounties?  

Will he punish the Saudis for killing a reporter, a US citizen?  Remember Bin Laden was a Saudi citizen living in Afghanistan and was protected by Al Qaeda. Well, have the Saudi’s ever stopped funding Al Qaeda, should be the real question? Money, greed, jobs, and the military industrial complex are the only answers to the question as to why we still support the Saudi government.  With Trump, it’s billions of dollars that guide his actions, as our troops are being used as target practice for Al Qaeda and funded by Russia and Saudi Arabia. “Beware of the Military Industrial complex” said Eisenhower in his farewell speech.

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