June 15, 2020

June 15, 2020


I sounded off on the administration using unemployment, coronavirus, stock market, and Fed manipulations of data for the optical illusion of having a sound economy and having the virus under control.  He continues to tout his economy as the best ever, while 5 former presidents had presided over better economic times prior to February 2020.

Today the economy is currently hovering around the Herbert Hoover levels of the great depression.  I also showed that Obama had a better economy in his last 36 months of his administration than Trump in all economic indicators except unemployment, where Obama had reduced unemployment % by less than Trump, however this element of the economy was within the margin of error.  He continues to gaslight the uninformed with his 19,000 lies since his inauguration. 

During his self-aggrandizement graduation speech at West Point on the 13TH he used the event to exaggerate his efforts, while nearly breaking his arm trying to pat himself on the back to garner their support.  He claimed the under the mantle of rebuilding the totally depleted military an investment of over $ 2 trillion.  Trump said, “…my administration has embarked on a colossal rebuilding of American armed forces, a record like no other.  After devastating budget cuts and a military that was totally depleted from these endless wars, we have invested over $2 trillion-trillion, that’s with a ‘T’…”.  True, however it was for 3 years total. 

When counting inflation, the Defense department budget was larger in the fiscal years 2007-2012.  In 2008 at its peak, the fiscal year budget adjusted for inflation would have been $848 billion, as compared to the largest year for Trump in fiscal year 2009, of $713 billion.  Anyone see a pattern here?  When breaking down his fiscal year budget, his appropriations for buying and upgrading equipment averaged $132 billion.  Adjusted for inflation Obama had averaged $140 billion.  Who is zooming who?  Does the Donald, an economist (sic), not knowing the time, cost us money?  Is he using apples and bananas when making his statements?  Did he actually graduate from Trump University?

He also bragged about his defeat of ISIS at the graduation event.  His statement was this, “The savage caliphate has been 100% destroyed under the Trump administration”.  It’s true that ISIS is not occupying the lands used for their caliphate.  They are not extinguished or defeated, only relocated.  ISIS is a religious movement with a group of zealots having a requirement to reign over a location, with a desire to exist under their own rules and under strict sharia laws.  They are not going away, only regrouping.  In October 2019 Mr. Trump tweeted a similar claim about ISIS and he said “When I arrived in Washington, ISIS was running rampant in the area…We quickly defeated 100% of the ISIS caliphate. Brett McGurk, diplomat and former envoy to the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, after this statement said on twitter, “none of this is true”.  He also said 50% of the ISIS land loss occurred prior to 2017.

Trump promised to end all needless Middle East wars in 2016.  In his speech at the commencement Trump said, “We are ending the era of endless wars,  In its place is a renewed clear eyed focus on defending America’s vital interests.”  In February Trump signed a deal with the Taliban (talks included an ISIS leader) with a timeline of 12 to 14 months for withdrawal from Afghanistan, if the insurgent group met conditions.  In May 2020 there were about 12,000 troops in Afghanistan.  In 2016 there were only 9,200 troops in Afghanistan and which were still there at the end of 2016.  In December 2018, Trump ordered the 2,000 troops withdraw from Syria.  In October 2019 there were still 1,000 troops in Syria.  In February there were still 600 troops in Syria. In December 2016 Obama increased the military forces in Syria to 500 troops. At the end of 2016 Obama had 5,262 troops. In Iraq today there are about 5,200 troops.

Defending Americas vital interests” Trump said.  Who wrote this dribble?  The most vital interest I can imagine is the health and welfare of the people in this nation.  By Trump relinquishing his leadership on the pandemic, the social unrest, and those actually suffering in this economy, his statement “defending Americas vital interests” rings hollow. 

Trump’s isolationism has not been any help to our vital interests either.  Forcing manufacturing back to the U.S. via tariffs and tax incentives has never worked, however that’s where Trump is headed.  This only brings inflation and ultimately loss of any international market share and limits the growth potential for any company wishing to go internationally.

You decide exaggerations or lies?  It does not take a genius to figure out his motivation for gaslighting and exaggerations.  It’s the election, and the laser light show continues, using a rose colored filter this time.


I have read and re-read the Constitution and find things that make me ask questions and attempt an interpretation, based on definitions and the words provided therein. 

The question I have is this: If Trump resigns can Mike Pence pardon him for past crimes?

What does the Constitution say?

Article II Section 2 the president….., and he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment

Impeachment defined: The process in which a legislative body levels charges against a government official.  The official does not necessarily become removed from office, however, it serves as an indictment and is a formal outline of essential charges.

The Constitution goes on and says this:

Article II Section 4 The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on Impeachment for, and conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors”.

Here’s my interpretation:

Trump was impeached and is forever impeached via impeachment

If Trump resigns, Mike Pence becomes President

Article II Section 2 … President can pardon “except in Cases of Impeachment

“Article II Section 4 shows the impeachment requires conviction for actual removal.

Can Pence Pardon Trump for any charges in the impeachment if Trump resigns?  Not in my world.  This may explain why Trump is so afraid of losing in November and is willing to trash any department including using the military and religion for political props to make Mr. Bone Spurs look tough and holy? 

Is it the 7-10 counts of obstruction of justice charges in the Muller report that he is worried about? He is worried about these charges only if he is rejected by the electorate.  His only salvation is a win in November and the statute of limitations will then run out.  Will he break more and more norms?

His actions look increasingly desperate and he looks to try to distance himself from the news on the virus and the potential for a second wave.


Trump’s Juneteenth (now the 20th, ) Petri dish Rally date was an intentional poke at his critics.  He picked the original date to both divide and distract.  Will this event bring on a peaceful rally or a hate/resentment/tension-riddled affair. Is this a message to the black community to increase tension in order to stoke his shrinking base in this country.  Was the original date picked to stir racial resentment?  Will this allow him to show how he isn’t going to listen to the health care experts and endanger everyone, in his vanity deflection and accusation projection production called  a Trump rally. 

I’m wondering if Trump is trying to foment a demonstration, so his base can attack at his rally and have the security attack the counter demonstrators?  Potential for conflict in Tulsa with the unemployed, out of school kids, anger? Stay tuned!

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