March 30, 2020

March 30, 2020


The admirable goal of the Trump administration was to deconstruct the administrative state.  I understand the impetus behind the goal.  During the Kennedy administration there were many fewer layers of government.  Trump, however, has politicized every aspect of government to the extent that if you are a member of the administration and if you are a civil servant that disagrees with him on policy he calls them the “deep state”, or “Trump haters”.  These civil servants are just that, they serve the law and constitution and do not have a propensity to kiss the ring.  His deconstruction begins with the philosophy that the states are responsible and not the federal government.  Exceptions are military, security and foreign policy, which have already succumbed.  All other aspects of government can be relegated to corporate interests or to the states. 

His methodology of attaining this goal was to not appoint cabinet level officials in key positions and have only temporary appointments.  This is a power grab.  The temporary positions do not have the authority to do such things as giving out sole and single source contracts.  This power then reverts to the chief executive.  What could go wrong since Trump has dismissed oversight of congress using delaying tactics to report any oversight questions? Think of how many Defense Department contracts could be steered as favors to his cronies as a result of temporary appointments?  This is done without oversight.  He claims to be the most transparent president- you think?

The deconstruction has also been accomplished by Donald’s failure to appoint replacements for massive turnovers as a result of his partisan political attitude.  He disbanded organizations such as the disaster response organization, reporting to Security advisor John Bolton.  In January 2017 prior to his inauguration, the Obama administration gave a briefing on the responses necessary for disaster events as earthquakes, tsunami, tornado, hurricane, and pandemics.  This briefing was given to a group of Trump transition personnel, none of which were employed by the white house in 2020.

Trump in December, was notified by the Chinese of the virus and their lock down of Wuhan China. He stated it was a hoax, fake news and a conspiracy theory.  Trump was more interested in spiting on his enemies for his impeachment, than concentration on the Virus.  His lack of action to the WHO’s declaration in mid-January, until he realized he can’t control the epidemic in mid-March, is equivalent to Nero’s famous fiddle recital.

He has no knowledge of how to respond in an effective and efficient manner. Any scientific knowledge or leadership has been totally lacking in this pandemic.  Take for example, testing.  There are 2 types of tests required.  The first is a test for those with the virus. This was delayed by the CDC, by insisting on the development of their tests in lieu of using tests developed by other countries.  This resulted in a 3-week delay in response because the test developed was not effective. The second test shows if an individual has had the virus and is immune to it.

The second test is important to identify who can go back to work without the fear of re-infection.  This pool of individuals would become the first line workers that can be utilized to replace the individuals working, which might then catch the virus.  Without a vaccine or mitigation of the effects, this will be the norm.  The estimate of 100,000 to 200,000 deaths can only be mitigated by the efforts to contain the virus.

 Testing has always been the key for everyone to return to normal. Because no one has immunities to the virus and it will take its course.  The Virus will be setting the timeline as to when we will be back to a normal economy.  Tests will determine where hot spots are and where mitigation should become mandatory and who can go back to work.  Until the tests are universal, how does one know on whom and where to focus efforts?

The CDC’s amount of tests are compared to total tests to that of other countries.  The real comparison should be per capita tests, not total tests.  Per capita, we are sorely lacking, compared to the same stage as other countries. Tens of millions, not thousands of tests are required to track and trace the virus in the United States.  On March 30, in an interview Trump actually stated he did not know that there was a problem getting testing!  HUH?! How out of touch could he be?

Back to the subject of this screed –  Trump appears to be successful.  The reason I feel he has been successful is his acknowledgement that he has no responsibility for the response to the virus.  The governors had the reigns so he could absolve himself of any blame for his initial inaction.  If not the governors, he will use Mike Pence as a scapegoat. The stupidity of this stable genius shows itself in the total chaos associated with the procurement of PPE.  Instead of implementing the Defense Procurement Act, when he stated he was on a war footing, he prattled along for weeks.  He has yet to employ the Defense Logistics Agency and it looks like he is going to use the My Pillow Guy for this effort, as was stated in his March 30th 2020 political rally labeled as a news conference.

The pandemic and other disasters show why a centralized governmental administration response is necessary.  The administrative state can coordinate global responses and activities to ameliorate the situation.  The lack of a coordinated and adequate initial response to a global pandemic warning has exaggerated the misery and has caused, and will cause, countless lives. 

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