October 7, 2020

October 7, 2020

Countdown 27 Days Until Election       

TRUMPS PERSONA            

Misogyny is defined as the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It enforces sexism by punishing those who reject an inferior status for women and rewarding those who accept it. Misogyny manifests in numerous ways, including social exclusion, sex discrimination, hostility, androcentrism, patriarchy, male privilege, belittling of women, disenfranchisement of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification. Misogyny can be found within sacred texts of religions, mythologies, and Western philosophy and Eastern philosophy.

Now that you know what it is you should ask: why would Trump alienating his base with his immigration policies?  Trump is obviously a patriarchal male that belittles women believing in male privilege, androcentrism and sexual objectification, a basic misogynist.

All these traits are the prevalent and instilled in the Latin American cultures of the Americas.  All Middle Eastern Muslim cultures are misogynistic instilled in religion.  Take the Catholic religion within Europe and prominent in Mexico, south and Central America, the teachings all have the female as a subservient individual.  Amy Coney Barrett, the new Supreme Court Justice, devout Catholic had written about the woman’s place is to serve her mate.

If Trump has all these traits as well, is his base not also of that ilk?  So keeping out Latinos, and Muslims and quantity restrictions on all emigres, he is eroding his base where he could enhance it. 

Trump’s strong male image is to entice the oppressed females that are a part of the party of stupid called the Trump base.  The uneducated female is the sweet spot for Macho Man. What will be the impact of the image as a result of the virus?  As Bobby Jindal, a republican, said about his party it is becoming the party of stupid.

So why does Trump continue to show distain for Muslims and Latinx, it isn’t that the misogynists don’t vote for him, they do.  So is his racism the answer?

Trump had the image that he could never get the virus and had shown distain for CDC guidelines.  Contracting the virus put a big wrench in his persona.  His prognosis depends on the next few days when the potential for damage is highest as the virus load increases.

Let me begin with his contempt for women and girls, his objectification and crass sexism came into focus when he was involved in and being the producer of the Miss Universe Pageant, and his paying for prostitutes.  Does he golf with females?

Trump has a habit of belittling females especially strong female types.  He scolds and demeans female reporters when they ask tough questions in press conferences.  He attempted to paint Kamala Harris as not being qualified to run for office.  A twofer misogynistic and racist?

Trump’s denialism is deadly.  His irresponsible attempt to portray the virus as nothing belays the fact that he is short of breath and laboring with his breathing after coming back from Walter Reed.  He most likely has suffered with Covid-19 pneumonia.

Trump is of the opinion that he can garner the sympathy vote, good luck.  Boris Johnson England’s Prime Minister did get a bump; however Boris is more humble than Trump.  Trump lies with impunity and it was inevitable that he was infected with the virus with his total disregard for the health of himself and everyone around him.  Trump is now a super spreader – a Typhoid Mary so to speak.

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