October 8, 2020
Countdown 26 Days Until Election
His steroid use will render him more unstable. Will anyone notice his roid rage and added erratic behavior? Steroids have a mood altering effect and can change personality not always for the better. His upbeat vim and vigor from the last few days are the steroids talking. Wait for the crash and the results of withdrawal from the performance enhancing drug giving him a euphoric attitude. Will his rage again show itself in the next debate? Will anyone notice the difference?
His political stunts are highly choreographed spectacles made for TV events to show he has no ill effects from the virus and show he has defeated the deadly virus. The reality is he is yet to be out of the woods and is still contagious and continues to spread the virus by not wearing a mask exposing everyone around him.
While in the White House Trump will continue his remdesivir regimen. Side effects are nausea and potential kidney damage. The White House is becoming a ghost town with the virus running through the petri dish. His comment that you should not let it dominate you is such a farce. You have no choice with this pandemic. If you die, I think you can say it has dominated you.
Trump came back to the White House walked up stairs and was shown to have labored breathing. There is indications he has lung damage from the virus. The projection of strength falls flat when you see him struggle for breath on the balcony after walking up a flight of stairs.
Trump has refused to do contact tracing on from the Rose Garden event, despite the cluster of infections from that gathering. This is so there is no trace of the damage the recklessness of the president hosting the outbreak of a super spreader event. He does not want the responsibility, after all they won’t get a helicopter ride and won’t be attended by 20 physicians, and they won’t be provided any experimental drugs. Don’t let it dominate you as if you have all the resources Trump has at his command.
Trump brags about the therapies and their effectiveness as if everyone has the opportunity to have the same treatment. Use of experimental drugs is troublesome. This indicates desperation from the doctors using unproven and potentially dangerous therapeutics.
With steroids Donald keeps speaking like he is infallible. He continues to downplay the virus after the hospital discharge. He continues to lie and downplay the virus comparing the virus to the flu. Trump’s physician refuses to say when Trump last tested negative for Covid-19.
The steroid dexamethasone which Trump is taking has side effects such as grandiose delusions, and a range of other potential side effects such as mental problems including anxiety, aggression, agitation, psychosis, delusions, delirium, hallucinations. Dr. J. Michael Boswick, a psychiatrist at the Mayo Clinic….(noted: concerning the steroid drug) “patients should be monitored for changes to their mood, thinking or sleep. Steroids can trigger psychiatric side effects ‘at almost any dose,’ he said.” I can see that this is a problem, with Trump’s personality how can you tell any difference in his actions?
The results of a study shown in the Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology in an article in in the NYTimes shows one third of Covid-19 hospitalized patients in the study had an altered mental function. They ranged from delirium to confusion, to unresponsiveness. This is the largest study to date on the long term effects of Covid-19. The study had shown that “After they were discharged, only 32% of the patients with altered mental function were able to handle routine daily activities like cooking or paying bills, said Dr. Igor Koralinik, the senior author of the study, and chief of neuro-infectious disease and global neurology at Northwestern Medicine.”
As a result of giant cell arthritis, a very painful ailment, I was given massive doses of the powerful steroid prednisone. I was given a 60 mg dose/day. The normal weight lifter, or baseball player (ask any Dodger) would be taking a dose of around 5 mg. The steroids really screwed up my stomach, caused anger fits, with the headache from the arthritis caused delusions until the steroids kicked in and the pain had receded. The steroids worked within hours to relieve the pain, however I had to continue the steroids with lower amounts for another 6 months. Steroids mess with all your systems and initially create a feeling of being 20-30 years younger for a time until the crash when the rage begins. It also comes with increased appetite and weight gain causing puffiness.
His rage in the first debates would indicate he may have already been on performance enhancing drugs at that time. This is likely since his favorite move is projection where he had projected Biden of taking performance enhancing drugs.
The data provided by from Trump’s doctors do not give enough information to determine the extent of the damage to Trump. Actual chest images would show any potential pneumonia damage from the virus. Blood work would determine any residual infections and the extent of the damages to his systems. Trump has them saying only the upbeat information and hide any discouraging news.
In this age of reason why would any leader deny medical usefulness in pursuit of public health (masks and social distancing)? Why would he not rely on science using fact based decisions? Learning is being curious about everything and not using a gut check for solutions. Without the pursuit of learning, science, reason, and rationale everyone will suffer.
Trump has a total disregard for others, it’s a lack of respect , not doing to others what others would do to you, risking the lives of everyone around and you call yourself a leader, hogwash!
When will everyone call his actions what they are, if anyone dies due to his actions will it be called what it is – manslaughter? Trump appears to get away with murder like he said when he said he could kill someone on 5th Ave. and no one would care – really? What about his support staff no mask and knowing he is infectious why? When will he grow up or at least act responsible, is it too much to ask of someone 74 years old? With Trump the answer is obvious!