September 11, 2020

September 11, 2020

Countdown 53 Day Election

California 23 days until early voting


Trump lies and people die. According to his own recorded voice when being interviewed  by Bob Woodward for a book Trump admitted he knew and downplayed the dangers and extent of the virus and its airborne properties. Trump knew it was a novel virus and no-one had antibodies and it was highly contagious and 5-10 times deadlier than the annual flu. This information was known by Trump in early February and still holding rally’s.  In mid-March he still had downplayed the virus and has been consistently attempted to ignore or downplay while thousands died.  Noting he has had 9 close contact rally’s since February and has downplayed masks and politicized the virus calling it the democrat virus and a hoax.

The impact of this delay has been estimated in lives lost.  The delay in mobilizing a unified attack on the virus with a total shutdown for 3 weeks (with exception of essential services), using and encouraging the use of masks, social distancing, and no large gatherings.

It was estimated the 2 month delay to begin letting the public know and implemented a plan had an estimated impact of 75% of the lives lost did not need to die with an initial national response.  That makes Trump and his administration responsible for 150,000 deaths, almost 3 Vietnams in 7 months.  It’s fifty times more than died on 9/11.

Trump’s excuse is he did not want to see panic.  What he meant by that was he did not want the stock market to panic.  In Mid-March when the news about how bad the virus was comparing it the virus the 1918 Pandemic and similar to the Indians and smallpox blankets the market panic did ensue.  His rallies are full of fear

Trump knew this would be the greatest crisis this country has faced in decades.  That it infected older and young people and could infect millions early on.  In January his own staff told him of the dangers.  Trump knew all this; Peter Navarro in January wrote two memos stating there could be as many as 500,000 deaths as a result of the Covid-19 virus.  Millions would lose their jobs and the economy would be ravaged by this pandemic. 

His staff members told the President and he ignored them it was in the Presidents daily brief and he ignored the facts..  Donald Trump instead of coming out with the facts he choose to lie to the public and downplay the virus.  Month after month Trump lied about the virus and his staff did nothing, even knowing the truth about the virus.  Sad!  Trump saying he did not want everyone to panic? So he would rather see 200,000-300,000 die?  What drives this cretin not seeing the morbidity before him? 

What Trump did not realize by his inaction and lies is the truth would have set him free of this meshigas.  If he was a leader he would have realized that ignoring and downplaying would only make things worse. And it did.

Trump admits he intentionally misled the public and said to bob Woodward: “I wanted to always play it down” in a phone interview with Trump.  There were 18 hours and 9 interviews with Woodward for his book.  Trump admitted to damming inaction while lying to the public about the virus.

On January 28Th National Security advisor Robert O’Brian warned Trump and he said:  “This will be the biggest national security threat you will face in your presidency.  This is going to be the roughest thing you face”  Joe Boden on the 28thor29th  wrote in an Op editorial in USA today on the subject stating we were ill prepared for a pandemic and that Trump should follow medical and scientific advice.

On January 31st The administration declared a national emergency and Trump signed an order that limited travel from China to the US after 24 other countries had done so.  Even then 40,000 individuals came from China mostly US citizens.

On February 2nd the same day as the Travel ban came into effect Trump went on Fox News and told them he stopped the virus and said “We pretty much shut it down coming from China”

On February 7th following a call with China’s President Xi Trump told Woodward the conversation centered around the coronavirus outbreak.  Trump said: ”I think he is going to have it in pretty good shape.  But it is going to be a very tricky situation. It’s going through the air Bob  it’s even more deadly than the strenuous flus.  This is deadly stuff.”

On February 7Th Trump said the dangers of the virus to Woodward:  “It goes through the air Bob, that’s always tougher than the touch you know the touch you don’t have to touch things right.  But the air you, just breathe the air that’s how it’s passed and so  that’s a very tricky one that’s a very delicate one, it’s almost more deadly than you know the most strenuous flus.”

On February 10 Trump on air to the public floated the idea that the virus would disappear in April and said: “Looks like April, you know in theory, when it gets a little warmer it will miraculously goes away.  I think it’s going to all going to work out fine”

On February 26th Trump said: “I think that’s a problem that’s going to go away”  Trump said this at a campaign rally February 28thin Charleston S.C. Trump says:  “So, a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently and was shocked to hear it 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu….So far we have lost nobody to Coronavirus in the United States.”  Trump also lied about younger individuals not getting the virus in March he told Woodward: “Now it’s turning out it’s not just the old people Bob, today and yesterday some startling facts came out it’s not just older people it’s plenty of younger people.”  Early last month (August) Trump said: “If you look at children, children are almost-and I would almost say definitely- but almost immune from this disease…”  Knowing it impacts children in February and he is still pushing to open schools?

One of the ways he played it down was to compare the virus to the flu.  In a tweet on March 9th  he said: “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common flu.  It averages 27,000-and 70,000 per year Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on.  At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, with 22 deaths.  Think about that!”

The phone interview on March 19th Woodward: So, give me a moment of talking to somebody, going through this with Fauci or somebody who kind of, it caused a pivot in your mind?  Because it’s clear just from what’s on the public record, that you went through a pivot on this to oh my God, the gravity is almost inexplicable and unexplainable?  Trump: Well I think Bob, really, to be honest with you-  Woodward: Sure, I want you to be.  Trump:  I always wanted to always play it down.  I still kike playing it down.  Because I don’t want to create panic.”

Trump continues to this day to lie about the virus.  His administration wrote  letter to Dr. Fauci to downplay the infection rates of school children stating there was no science that showed children can get the virus and recommended only teachers need be concerned by wearing a mask.  This message was meant to encourage children going back to school without the necessary precautions. 

Again I reiterate that when trump lies people die!  He wanted the virus just to disappear  like magic.  His denial was a political move, re-opening the economy not even considering the safety or the heath of anyone.  This creti’s re-election is his only motivation

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