September 14, 2020

September 14, 2020

Countdown 50 Day Election

California 20 days until early voting


Trump’s claims get more ridiculous as it comes closer to the election, yet he claims he did not want to panic anyone when it came to Covid-19.  Here are but a few of his claims from a rally on 9/12.  These are his words with my interpretation of what he says, don’t panic when you read some of these themes.

1. ”The Democrats are going to “rig this election””  Is a bit of projection on his part. 

 What about the USPS and the intentional slow-down of mail delivery?

H 2. He said he is “probably entitled” to serve more than two terms because of the way“ we

            were treated.”  When you are running a criminal enterprise with your top aids serving

              prison time including your personal attorney and your campaign chairman and your

              National Security Advisor.  Being accused of obstruction of justice 10 times in the

              Muller report, and is individual 1 in the same indictment for the same crime as he was

              convicted Trump’s personal council Michael Cohen.  The only additional term Trump   needs is in jail.

3. Trump claimed Joe Biden would “allow violent mobs to burn down your business”  The fact is Trump supporters armed boogaloo boyz, and militias are the ones committing violent acts and starting violence as they infiltrate peaceful BLM protesters.  Mr. President you are allowing violent mobs to burn down businesses aren’t you just as much in charge as would be Biden during this crisis?  This is pure projection on Trump’s part.

4. He called Biden pathetic” “weak” and said he does “whatever his left-wing puppet masters demand”  If this were true Sanders would not be harping on him to move to endorse more socialistic measures this week.  Biden is a moderate and pragmatic despite what Trump wants you to see.  Biden has offered all of his medical records, where are yours Donald?  Like your taxes your health is elusive at best.

5, Claimed the Democrats want to “destroy the suburbs”  This racial trope comes from his desire to revert to the 60’s when it comes to fair housing.  Trump is currently attempting to modify the Fair Housing Act of 1968.  Is this another one of his projections?

6. He accuses Democrats of trying to “lock law-abiding Americans in their homes”  This has to do with the way that the Covid-19 should have been handled from the beginning you failed Mr. Trump.  Had you demanded isolation initially we would have been out of this crisis.  Biden has already said he would follow the experts advice not political hacks with an agenda that kills.

7. He said Democrats want to “indoctrinate your children with poisonous anti-American lies in school.”  Could this be projection as well?   Betsy DeVos has allowed public monies to go to religious schools, if this is not indoctrination I don’t know what is?  Does that gift to religion go for the Muslim madras?  So who is indoctrinating the children?

8. He invoked Hillary Clinton email controversy and said “her lawyers should go to jail with her”  If your Attorney General has information that would convict her and that is his desire go for it.  Or is this just fill for your animas?  Or is this again projection?

9. He mocked Com-Cast by calling it “Con-Cast”  Comcast is a media giant including NBC and MSNBC providing real news reported as fake news by Trump because they don’t follow him down the rabbit hole instead by providing facts.

10. He attacked the media NBC reporter Kelly O’Donnell specifically,  and  with MSNBC anchor Ali Velshi, wrongly calling him a CNN reporter.  His normal rant against the media and in this case a female reporter which he has no respect and for some reason ire.

11. He called the evening news shows “corrupt” for not reporting that he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.  This is a joke yet it’s not April 1st.  A Swedish conservative that is totally anti-immigrant and far right wing dotard that has the same attitude about foreign invaders as Trump made the nomination.  Trump and the Swede’s rhetoric I’m sure will sway the judges to have them roll over laughing at the nomination, I did.  It’s sad that he is so deprived.

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